How to Create a Lead Magnet in 5 Easy Steps

  • October 21, 2024
  • Blog

Trying to reel in more leads but aren’t getting any bites?

If that’s the case, you need a lead magnet.

A lead magnet will help you incentivize customers to share important information with you, so you can market to them later and turn them into customers.

Keep reading to learn how to create a lead magnet in 5 easy steps, and subscribe to our newsletter for more marketing tips! 

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is an informative, free offering that incentivizes customers to share their name, email address, or identifying information with you. Examples of lead magnets include how-to guides, ebooks, and training webinars. 

Lead magnets usually offer exclusive information or content that directly solves a lead’s problem.

Why do you need a lead magnet?

In today’s crowded and competitive online marketplace, earning your lead’s trust is challenging. The best way to tackle this problem is by offering a free, comprehensive solution to their problems — the lead magnet. 

Although you aren’t making a sale for sharing a free lead magnet, the return on investment (ROI) is invaluable. When prospects share their email addresses, you have a direct line of communication with them. You can use this channel to warm them up over time and convert them from leads to customers!

Creating a lead magnet in 5 steps

Want to convert prospects to customers? Learn how to create a lead magnet by following these steps:

1. Build out a buyer persona

Not everyone will want what you offer, and that’s a good thing! It’s better to attract a few warm leads with a highly targeted magnet than to provide something less-targeted to those that won’t find the resource helpful. 

The key to creating a targeted lead magnet is to know who it’s for and what problem it solves for them. To do this, create a buyer persona! You might already know who your ideal lead is, but if not, consider the following questions:

  • What’s their age, gender, and occupation?
  • What’s their pain point or problem?
  • How will your lead magnet solve the problem?

2. Choose your lead magnet type

The next step is to select the type of magnet you want to create. There are several lead magnet types to choose from, including

  • Newsletters
  • Ebooks
  • Checklists
  • Free audits
  • Resource libraries
  • Templates
  • Calculators
  • Product trials or demos
  • Audio files of blog posts
  • Exclusive podcast episodes
  • Comprehensive tool lists
  • How-to guides
  • Infographics
  • Webinars
  • Recorded presentations
  • Video lessons
  • Mini courses
  • A free strategy session

Choosing a lead magnet that aligns with your talents and skill sets is best, especially if you’re on a budget.

For example, are you a writer? An ebook might make the most sense when creating your first lead magnet. If you’re a graphic designer, create a user-friendly infographic with lots of statistics.

Pick a medium that meets your audience’s needs. A downloadable how-to guide would make the most sense for step-by-step processes, while a resource list or library might be helpful for experts looking for tools to improve their craft.

Read More: Lead Magnet Examples You Can Create

3. Make an outline

Whether you plan to write an ebook or record an informational webinar, an outline provides clarity and direction. You’ll want to plan out how the resource will look and what information you’ll want to include in it.

If you’re creating an ebook, for example, you might create a written outline covering all the information you’ll include in it. If you’re creating some kind of video, you might make a storyboard-type outline to plan out how the video will look.

Either way, thinking through what you’ll include in your lead magnet is important to ensure it provides value and is helpful.

4. Brainstorm a powerful, attention-grabbing headline

Create a headline that attracts and engages your target audience. To begin, look at your lead’s pain points and obstacles you jotted down in the last step. 

What is the underlying issue getting in your lead’s way? Is it a lack of time or money? Or is it something else, like overwhelm or imposter syndrome? Speak directly to these needs in your title.

Here are some other best practices when creating your headlines:

  • Be specific: Tell your reader what problem your lead magnet solves and when they can expect results.
  • Address your lead directly: Address your readers personally by using “you” in your titles.
  • Use power and buzz words: Promise an incentive or emotional reward by using high-converting power words, like “free,” “effortless,” or “empower.”

5. Create your lead magnet

Finally, it’s time to create your lead magnet. Keep it simple and use free software if you’re on a budget. If your computer has Microsoft programs, use that! Google Docs and Sheets also offer features that allow you to format and download your content in your preferred file type.

You can also use free design programs like Canva to help you create more visually appealing lead magnets.

Nurture prospects with a highly-targeted lead magnet

Are you ready to turn leads into loyal customers with a targeted lead magnet? The digital marketing experts at WebFX can help! 

We specialize in lead generation services that warm up and earn the trust of your leads to help you grow your email list, drive revenue, and scale your business. 

Get started by calling 888-601-5359 to speak with a web strategist or request your free quote today!

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